Sharing food with pets is something that people want to do. When you love your dog, it’s no surprise that you’ll want to share your food. However, is the food shared fit for your dog to eat? Cashews are smooth, protein-rich nuts. They are loaded with minerals and fiber that are good for you.
Besides, there is no denying that cashews are good for you. What about your dog, though? Are cashews healthy for your dog to eat? Cashews are not necessary for your dog's balanced diet, just like many other human foods. However, there are several rules you must go by when giving cashews to your dog.
Your concerns about whether dogs can safely eat cashews will be answered in this post.
Are cashews safe for dogs to eat?
Yes, cashews are safe for your dog to eat. One of the few nut varieties that your dog can consume are cashews. Cashews are safe for your dog, unlike macadamia nuts, which are poisonous. However, you must moderately give them to your dogs.
Dogs enjoy good foods, and the cashew nut's creamy texture can make them want more. However, it would be beneficial if you never gave your dog more cashews than a moderate amount.
Health Benefits of Cashews to Your Dog
Cashews are rich in protein, fiber, healthy fats, and other elements that are good for your dog.
Cashews include antioxidants that shield your dog's cells from cellular damage. They also help to fight infections and strengthen your dog's immune system. Cashews help lower the risk of heart disease and stroke, according to research.
Cashews include vitamin K, which improves bone health in dogs. Additionally, vitamin K aids in blood clotting. Therefore, feeding cashews to your dog will help him recover from blood-related illnesses.
Healthy Fats
Cashews are high in good fats. Healthy fats, such as omega-3 fatty acids, boost the health of your dog's fur and skin. They can also help restore any damage to your dog's skin and fur. Cashews' healthy fats also lower dogs' chances of developing heart-related illnesses.
The magnesium in cashews helps in the absorption of other vitamins by your dog. Additionally, it helps your dog's teeth, bones, and eyes work properly. Calcium supports your dog's strong bones and teeth. It also aids in the transmission of nerve impulses. Copper helps in energy production and brain growth.
Protein and Fiber
Cashew contains a high amount of fiber and protein. The presence of these nutrients will make your dog feel fuller and less hungry. Cashews are very low in sugar, which can help protect them from diabetes.
Are Cashews Safe For Your Dog?
Cashews are safe to give to your dog. But it's important that you never fed your dog too much of these. It would be preferable if you did not also feed your dog salted or seasoned cashews. Salted cashews have an excessive sodium content that can cause your dog to get dehydrated. Garlic and pepper can be found in seasoned cashews. These compounds are not harmful to humans, however they are harmful to dogs.
As a dog owner, your ultimate rule is to feed your dog 90% vet-approved dog food and 10% nutritious dog treats. You can offer cashews to your dog as treats, but you should only do it occasionally. Cashews should also be given in moderation to puppies and smaller dog breeds.
How many cashews can I give my dog?
Only a few unsalted and plain cashews (2-3 for small dogs, 4-5 for larger dogs) are recommended as a rare treat.
Can salted cashews harm dogs?
Can puppies eat cashews?
Can dogs be allergic to cashews?